Things have changed, haven’t they?
For some, that’s an understatement.
Whether you’ve experienced an overhaul or just a shift, chances are your life isn’t the same.
And you may feel any number of emotions.
All of the above (and then some).
Wherever you are, I hope you can acknowledge it and accept what God has for you in the midst of it.
And one thing God has for all of us?
I know, I know, Easter might feel offbeat right now.
The question is: How do we prepare our hearts for Easter when those hearts are still catching up to a global pandemic?
It’s a good question.
Here’s a sub-par answer: I don’t know. I don’t think there’s one solution. But this is my attempt to help.
You see, here’s what I do know: When our lives prove fickle, God proves faithful.
When classrooms melt into kitchen tables.
When face-to-face becomes computer-to-computer.
When we’re told to stay home.
When things are a little (or a lot) different.
In all of that, there is truth.
God is still God.
Easter is still on the calendar.
And the events of Jesus’ last days still happened.
And those events? They were dark.
Judas sold Jesus out.
His disciples abandoned Him.
The people accused and humiliated Him.
He suffered a death He didn’t deserve.
But that wasn’t the end.
The betrayal, the abandonment, the accusations, the humiliation, the suffering, the death.
They couldn’t defeat Him.
Light won. Hope won. Jesus won.
And here’s the key: He still does.
COVID-19, change, fear, anxiety, depression, stress, confusion, loneliness, grief, death.
They can’t defeat Him.
Light wins. Hope wins. Jesus wins.
When things change.
When there’s a lot to process.
When darkness lurks.
When we’re uncertain.
In all of this, there is truth.
God is still God.
Easter is still on the calendar.
And the events of Jesus’ last days still happened.
Your heart might need time to catch up. That’s okay.
Just don’t forget what’s true.
And don’t forget Who wins.